Welcome to Rupert’s Honey and the home of the Jackson Horizontal Hive. We have written this website to be a resource for information about rural development through apiculture, which is what Rupert’s Honey specialises in, as well as lots of information about the Jackson Horizontal Hive. There is a large amount of information, so if you are interested in any topic please feel free to immerse yourselves in the wonderful world of bees and the incredible good which can be achieved with beekeeping.
Too many people in this world live below the poverty line, struggling for basic human needs. Rupert’s Honey strive to reduce this struggle ad help people with their food security and economic freedom, so that the world is a little nicer, a little fairer and a little less of a struggle on a day to day basis for everyone.
If you are interested in our work or have a question about something related to rural development or beekeeping in general please feel free to contact us here. Never before has the conservation of honey bees been more vital than it is today. Rupert’s Honey strives to protect these wonderful insects and use them to help other people in need.